The email address for Business Tax is bustax@deltonaf
Where is the Deltona Business Tax Office located?
The address is 2345 Providence Blvd. Deltona, Fl, 32725 at the Deltona Municipal Complex adjacent to the Daytona State College Deltona branch.
What is the fax number for the Business Tax Office?
The fax number is (386)878-8651.
What is the phone number for the Business Tax Office?
The phone number is (386)878-8560.
What are the hours for the Business Tax Office?
Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm excluding weekends and Holidays.
Who is required to register for the City of Deltona business tax receipt?
Any business with a physical base of operations within the City limits whether at a residential or commercial location, is required to register. This also includes any residential or commercial rental properties and non-profits. These businesses must register and/or obtain a local business tax receipt annually.
How much is the business tax receipt?
Please call the Business tax receipt department at (386)878-8560.
What is required to obtain a business tax receipt?
Many businesses and professions are regulated by the State of Florida (i.e. Physicians, Dentists, Engineers, Real Estate Firms, Real Estate Brokers, Cosmetologists, Ballroom Dance Studios, Health Studios, Sellers of Travel, Motor Vehicle Repair Shops, Etc.). In most cases, the state license, registration or permit must be obtained prior to receiving your City Business Tax Receipt. A new business applying for a business tax receipt using a fictitious name (any name that does not include the owner’s complete legal name) must show a copy of the Fictitious Name Registration before a business tax receipt can be issued. A Social Security number or a Federal Employee Identification number is also required. Please submit a copy of your state license, registration or permit with your application.
When will my business tax receipt expire?
Annual Business Tax Receipts run from October 1st – September 30th. All Business Tax Receipts expire September 30th each year. Starting October 1st penalties up to 25% begin to accrue and an additional $250.00 may be assessed for non-compliance, per Ordinance 05-2009
Are any inspections required to obtain a business tax receipt?
Yes, fire inspections are required for all home-based businesses, except residential rental properties. Commercial businesses are required to have an initial fire and building inspection and annual fire inspections. Fees vary. Note: Fire Inspection fees are required to be paid by Exempt entities when Fire Inspections are a requirement.