Contact the Volusia County Property Appraiser’s office at (386)775-5257.
Where do I go to pay my taxes?
Call the property tax office at (386)736-5938.
What is the phone number to City Hall?
The main phone number is (386)878-8100.
What is the address to City Hall?
The address to City Hall is 2345 Providence Blvd. Deltona Fl 32725, across from the Daytona State College Deltona campus.
What is the City Clerk’s email address?
The email address is cityclerkdept@deltonaf
What are the City Clerk’s hours of operation?
Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
What is the address to the Deltona City Clerk’s office?
The address is 2345 Providence Blvd. Deltona.
What is the phone number for the Deltona City Clerk’s office?
The phone number is (386)878-8500.
What is the population of the City of Deltona?
90,746 per the 2017 Vintage Population Estimates.
Are all Commission meetings open to the public?
Yes with the exception of Executive Sessions.