Waste Pro offers “Side-Door Service” for those that can provide documentation from a physician regarding the disability or a disability registration and matching driver’s license. For information call, Waste Pro, (386) 574-0778 or City of Deltona Solid Waste Department (386)878-8723.
How do I schedule a bulk pickup?
You may put bulk items out to the curb on the same day as your garbage day before 6:00 am.
Does the trash pick-up on Christmas day and New Year’s Eve?
Service will be picked up on the following day.
Does the trash pick-up on Thanksgiving day?
No. Service will be picked up on the following day.
How do I find the Solid Waste Division’s webpage?
You can find it by going to www dot Deltona FL.gov and then clicking on departments and choosing Solid Waste Division.
What is the address for the Solid Waste Division?
The address is 2345 Providence Blvd. Deltona, Fl, 32725 at the Deltona Municipal Complex adjacent to the Daytona State College Deltona branch.
What is the toll free number to call Waste Pro?
The toll-free number to call Waste Pro is 1-800-640-6875.
What is the phone number to schedule a trash pickup?
The phone number is (386)574-0723.
What is the phone number for Waste Pro?
The phone number for general calls is (386)574-0778.
What is the phone number for the Solid Waste Division?
The phone number is (386)878-8723.