the phone number is 386-878-8750
Category: FAQ
what is the phone number of Human Resources?
The phone number is 386-878-8750.
When is my garbage pickup?
Please contact Solid Waste at 386-878-8723.
What is the mayors office phone number
Do I need a permit?
To determine if you need a permit please contact Building Services at 386-878-8660.
Is City of Deltona hiring?
for information about open positions, call 386-878-8750 or visit the City’s website for current openings.
What is the phone number for the library?
(386) 789-7207.
What is the building departments phone number
it is 386-878-8660.
I found someone else’s dog.
Please call City of Deltona Animal Control at (386) 878-8701 to let them know that you found a dog. Also, reach out to us on Deltona Lost Animals on Facebook with a description and picture of the dog you found.
I need to pay my bill.
Please call the phone number on your billing statement or visit the City’s website at w,w,w, Deltona f for more information.