The address is 2345 Providence Blvd. Deltona, Fl, 32725 at the Deltona Municipal Complex adjacent to the Daytona State College Deltona branch.
How do I find the Planning and Development Services Department’s webpage?
You can find it by going to www dot Deltona and then clicking on departments and choosing Planning and Development Services Department.
What does improper parking mean?
Improper Parking is when the vehicle is not parked in an approved driveway and/or the side of the home behind the front face of the home or the rear of the home. If planning to permanently park on the side of your driveway you will need to put in an approved extended driveway. This is when you define a space with a boarder and replace the grass with either mulch, pavers, or gravel.
What are the types of permits?
There are several different types of permits, based on the type of construction: Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Re-roof, and Demolition Permits.
Where is the permit application made?
A permit application is made and may be obtained from Building Services Division, located at Deltona Municipal Complex at 2345 Providence Blvd. Deltona, Florida 32725 or by calling 386-878-8650. Their hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm and closed at 3:30 p.m., the third Friday of each month.
What information is required on a permit application?
The following general information is required for all permit applications: the property owners name, telephone number, and e-mail address if available, the project address, the company name of the contractor, contractor/applicant name with State of Florida license number, contractor/applicants address, contractor’s telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address if available, description of work to be done, contractor license holder’s notarized signature or a job specific power of attorney if the person actually making the application will be signing any documents on the contractor’s behalf. More specific types of information are required for the different permit types. Please consult the Building Services Division for more information.
Who can apply for a permit?
Any owner or authorized agent, licensed contractor, may make application to the Building Official to obtain required permits.
What must be provided with a permit application?
A typical permit submittal for a single-family residence will require: A completed permit application, One set of construction plans signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer, One set of sealed truss engineering, One set of Door and Window manufacturer’s installation specifications and Florida Product Approval, One set of Energy Calculations, Manual J, Manual D and Manual S with complete cover sheets. Sealed survey of the existing conditions on and around the site, one plot plan with proposed development, A Tree Removal Permit application, and City Right of Way use permit for the driveway. There is a $30.00 nonrefundable submittal fee and a Plan Review fee due when the application is submitted to Building Services Division
How long does it take to get a permit?
Permit issuance periods vary. Some projects, such as re-roofs, water heaters, window replacements, etc., can be fully permitted over-the-counter, meaning a return trip will not be needed. Other projects, however, require the plans be left for additional review. Most single-family dwellings, additions, and garages will be commented on within 7 – 10 days. Commercial projects require a longer time period for Building and Fire Plan Review.
When is a permit required?
A permit is required when the owner or authorized agent intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by the Florida Building Code, or to cause any such work to be done