Yes, Keysville Dog Park is located at 2461 Keysville Avenue (off Howland Blvd. near to Providence).
Where is the Thornby Park located?
Thornby Park is located at 110 Providence Blvd. towards the end of Providence Blvd. going towards Lakeshore Drive.
What time are your parks open?
All parks are usually open between 7:30-8:00 a.m. and close at dusk. Please note that some parks can open later as it takes our park attendant a while to get to all the parks, depending on where they start.
How many parks are there in the City?
There are 21 parks within the City of Deltona. Gemini Springs, Mariners Cove and Green Springs are county parks and not city parks.
Which parks have outdoor basketball courts?
Dwight Hawkins, Dupont Lakes, Firefighters Memorial, Harris Saxon, Manny Rodriguez, Lake Butler Skate Park, Timber Ridge and Wes Crile Park, Campbell, and Keysville.
Do you charge for the concerts in the amphitheater?
No, all Parks and Recreation sponsored concerts are provided as a free service to our residents.
Why are my property taxes so high?
The City of Deltona is just one of several authorities that may collect property taxes; all of the authorities that collect property taxes appear on your annual property tax bill. Deltona city taxes, on average, are usually among the lowest of all cities in Volusia County.
Who do I call if my property tax bill is wrong?
If you have questions about your assessed property value, you can call the Volusia County Property Appraiser at (386) 736-5901 or at
Why are Deltona property taxes so much higher than everyone else’s?
Deltona property taxes are actually among the lowest among cities in Volusia County. Many taxing authorities other than the City of Deltona, such as the County or the School Board, may also have charges on your tax bill. Your property taxes are based on the millage rate, which is set by the City Commission, and your property’s assessed value, which is determined by the Volusia County Property Appraiser. If you have questions about your property’s assessed value or possible tax exemptions, you can contact the Property Appraiser at 386-736-5901.
Why is there a charge for Stormwater on my property tax bill?
A Stormwater assessment is charged for every Equivalent Residential Unit, or ERU. The assessment is used to pay for stormwater improvements around Deltona to prevent flooding. The City Commission sets the assessment rate each year, and holds hearings that are open to the public before voting on the rate. Stormwater services are meant to benefit everyone and taxpayers may not opt out of these services. If you have questions about the number of ERUs on your tax bill, you may contact Deltona Public Works.