During the summer months (June-August) there are two (2) time slots to choose from: 10:00am-3: 00 pm or 3:30-8: 30 pm. For the rest of the year, the pavilion rental time can be scheduled for the time frame that you would like for $35.00.
What is the fee to rent a pavilion?
There is a flat, non-refundable fee to rent any pavilion in any of the parks in the City. It is $35.00 for half a day or $70 for the full day. Payment can be made by MONEY ORDER, VISA OR MASTER CARD OR DISCOVER Money Order should be made payable to the CITY OF DELTONA, not to the Parks Department.
How do I rent a pavilion?
All pavilion rentals are scheduled through the Parks & Recreation Department located at City Hall by calling (386) 878-8900. We will hold your reservation for 24 hours. If payment is not made within that period your reservation will be canceled.
How do I reserve a pavilion?
Reservations are scheduled through the Parks & Recreation Department and can be done online by visiting https://deltonaflparksandrec.tylertech.com/ParksRec_DeltonaFL_Prod/Home
Do you provide electricity at any of your parks?
Where there the softball fields?
Yes, softball fields are at Dwight Hawkins, Dupont Lakes, Wes Crile Park, Vann Park, and Manny Rodriguez.
Where are the tennis courts?
Yes, tennis courts are at Campbell, Harris Saxon and Wes Crile Parks.
Do you know the length of the trails?
Wes Crile Park is 4/10 of a mile; Dewey Boster Sports Complex is 1-1/4 miles; Campbell Park is 2/5 of a mile and Tom Hoffman is 3/10 of a mile.
Which parks have a walking trail?
Wes Crile Park at 1537 Norbert Terrace; Dewey Boster Sports Complex at 1200 Saxon Blvd.; Campbell Park at 1315 Briarwood Avenue and Tom Hoffman Park at 1751 Whipple Drive. Audubon and Keysville.
Do any of your parks have volleyball courts?
Yes. Campbell Park and Wes Crile.