The fax number is (386)878-8901.
What is the phone number for the Parks and Recreation Department?
The phone number is (386)878-8900.
What is the Parks and Recreation Department’s email address?
The Parks and Recreation Department’s email address is parkandrecreation@deltonaf
What are the Parks and Recreation Department’s hours?
Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Is the City responsible for airboats on Lake McGarity?
That is outside the City’s jurisdiction. That falls under the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Who do I call if I see someone dumping trash in the lake?
The Department of Environment Protection (DEP) District Office for Volusia County at (407) 897-2910.
Can we swim in any lake in Deltona?
No. Swimming is not allowed in any of our lakes per the Health Department.
Is there a lake where I can go kayaking?
You can kayak on Lake McGarity at Campbell Park.
How many lakes are there in the City that you take your boat?
There are 2 lakes you can use. Lake Monroe and Lake Gleason. Lake Gleason is temporarily closed due to the recent heavy rainfall affecting the lake level.
When does the season end for the Splash Pad?
The Splash Pad closes in September. The exact date will be posted at Wes Crile Park.