Payments may be made by cash, check, money order (payable to City of Deltona), Visa or MasterCard.
What is automatic bill pay?
Simply complete and mail in the Automatic Bill Pay Sign-up Form and leave the rest to us. Your bank account will automatically be debited each month for your monthly utility charges. The form can be found online or requested from the Customer Service team. Call (386)575-6800 for details.
How can I pay my bill for Deltona Water?
You can pay your bill online, by phone, by mail, automatic bill pay or by dropping it off in the drop box located at the Deltona Water offices located at 255 Enterprise Road, Deltona, FL.
I have made an online payment, but there is no option to log out of my account. How do I log out?
Simply close out of your internet browser.
There is a bill showing online that I have not received. Why?
When bills are generated in the system, your online account is immediately updated to reflect the new charges. The new charges are posted prior to your bill date. On your bill date, your bill is mailed to you. If it has been several days to a week since your bill date and you still have not received your bill, contact customer service to have a duplicate bill sent.
Why was my account assessed a penalty the same day I made a payment online.
Online payments are posted on the next business day. If you are past due, or you have been disconnected for non-payment, call the Customer Service Center at (386) 575-6800 and pay your bill by phone to prevent further charges and/or to expedite reconnection.
Why am I unable to modify the payment amount for my water bill online?
The account balance must be paid in full when processing an online payment.
Why am I receiving the error “No records were found for your search, please try again.”?
The information entered in the search fields must match your bill exactly or your account will not be found. If after comparing the information to your bill, you still cannot determine why you are receiving this error, contact our Customer Service team and we will be happy to walk you through the search process.
How can I pay my water bill online?
Go to the City of Deltona’s webpage, www dot Deltona, Place your cursor over Online Services, a tab located on the main toolbar at the top of the website, and select Utility Bill Payments from the drop-down menu. This link will direct you to the account search screen.
How do I find my water account online?
After going to www dot Deltona, Place your cursor over Online Services, a tab located on the main toolbar at the top of the website, and select Utility Bill Payments from the drop-down menu. This link will direct you to the account search screen. Using a recent bill as your reference, key the last five digits of your Customer Number in the Account Number field. Key the first six digits of your customer number in the Customer ID field. Click search to find your account.