All fire & life safety fire station tours can be scheduled in advance for all age & size groups. These tours are geared to your group’s age and size and there is no charge. Each year thousands of children & adults visit the City of Deltona Fire Stations – you and your group can also! Call (386)575-6901 for additional information.
What happens when I dial 911?
In the City of Deltona when you dial 911, the emergency call is answered by a Sheriff’s Departments Telecommunicator at the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. They determine if your emergency is fire, medical or law enforcement related. The 911 Dispatcher will continue to ask you questions. The 911 Dispatcher will then provide this information to the responding emergency units while continuing to talk to you. The 911 Dispatcher will then give you any information necessary until the emergency units arrive at your location.
Why does a Fire Truck respond to my 911 call for a medical emergency?
Your 911 call is answered at the Volusia County Communication Center, and while you are on the phone with a 911 Dispatcher an Advanced Life Support Fire Truck with a Paramedic and an EMT respond to treat your emergency condition. An ambulance also responds to provide transport to the hospital so that the Fire/Rescue personnel can remain in the City to respond to the next emergency call. Any billing done for the patient transport will be from Volusia County – EVAC ambulance. There is no charge for Fire/Rescue services.
How do I find the Fire Department webpage?
You can find it by going to www dot Deltona and then clicking on departments and choosing Fire Department.
What is the address for the Fire Department administration?
The address is 1685 Providence Blvd. Deltona, Fl, 32725.
What is the fax number for the Fire Department?
The fax number is (386)860-7198.
What is the phone number for the Fire Department?
The phone number is (386)575-6901.
What is the Fire Department email address?
The Fire Department’s email address is DeltonaFD@deltonaf
What are the Fire Department administration hours of operation?
Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Who do I call for water pressure complaint after hours?
Call (386)860-7177.