All parks are usually open between 7:30-8:00 a.m. and close at dusk. Please note that some parks can open later as it takes our park attendant a while to get to all the parks, depending on where they start.
How many parks are there in the City?
There are 21 parks within the City of Deltona. Gemini Springs, Mariners Cove and Green Springs are county parks and not city parks.
Which parks have outdoor basketball courts?
Dwight Hawkins, Dupont Lakes, Firefighters Memorial, Harris Saxon, Manny Rodriguez, Lake Butler Skate Park, Timber Ridge and Wes Crile Parks, Campbell, and Keysville.
Do you charge for the concerts?
No, all Parks and Recreation sponsored concerts are provided as a free service to our residents.
What is the Deltona Volusia County Sherriff’s phone number?
The phone number is (386)860-7030.
Where is the Deltona Volusia County Sherriff’s office located?
It is located at 1691 Providence Blvd.
How can I report suspicious activity?
If you are observing suspicious activity in progress, please call 911 if you need immediate assistance. In a non-emergency situation, please call 386-943-8276 to reach our Communications Center, which can dispatch a law enforcement officer to your location. You can also report suspicious activity to
Why sometimes are there no crews at the stations when I go there?
They may be out on a call, doing training, installing a smoke detector, etc.
How would I apply for a job as a firefighter?
Go to the city’s website, www dot Deltona, see if a job is available, fill out an application, then go to National Testing Network at and follow directions to apply for Deltona Fire Rescue
Why do I see fire trucks driving around without lights and sirens?
Our firefighters remain active even when not on emergency calls. Some things they do are non-emergency calls; hydrant checks; driver training; area familiarization; area coverage for busy areas.