The email address is econdev@deltona or jmayes@deltona
What are the Economic Development hours of operation?
Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Can I submit my resume to the City of Deltona instead of completing an application?
No, the City of Deltona accepts completed applications for posted, open positions only. A resume may be included with your application, but the application must be completed in full.
Who is the Director of Human Resources?
The Director of Human Resources is Richard Adams, SPHR, and can be contacted by calling (386)878-8750.
What if I need an accommodation during the application or hiring process?
You can contact the Human Resources department at (386)878-8750.
Does Deltona give preference to veterans?
Yes, the City of Deltona follows Federal guidelines in relation to Veteran’s Preference.
How do I find the Human Resource Department’s webpage?
You can find it by going to www dot Deltona and then clicking on departments and choosing Human Resources & Risk Management Department.
What is the address for the Human Resource Department?
The address is 2345 Providence Blvd. Deltona, Fl, 32725 at the Deltona Municipal Complex adjacent to the Daytona State College Deltona branch.
What is the fax number for the Human Resource Department?
The fax number is (386)878-8751.
What is the phone number for the Human Resource Department?
The phone number is (386)878-8750.