The number is 386-238-3140.
When are the Commission meetings?
The regular meetings are the 1st and 3rd Mondays and workshops are the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.
How can I make a public records request?
Online at www dot Deltona, over the phone at 386-878-8500 or in person at City Hall.
When will my road be resurfaced?
The City utilizes a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) listing to determine which roads are in need of resurfacing. A PCI can range from a low of zero to a high of 100. The City focuses on roadways with a PCI of 60 or less for resurfacing. Roadways with a low PCI are then ranked and the recommendations presented to the City Manager for concurrence.
Why is my property flooded?
Depending upon the season, the amount of rain and other conditions such as ground water levels, properties maybe holding water that in past years was not the case. Public Works Stormwater Division works diligently to ensure that our stormwater system is functioning efficiently & effectively to minimize standing water throughout the City.
What are all these colored flags in my yard for?
These are likely “locate” flags from the various utility providers – water, sewer, reclaimed, phone, gas, fiber optic, cable, etc. Locates are called in whenever there is proposed work within the right of way. Proposed work can be something being done by the City or any other public utility.
Where do I get a copy of my property survey?
Your survey can be found in your closing documents for your property. Surveys are not legally recorded documents. The City may have a copy of a survey for your property if you obtained a permit that required a survey.
Do I need a permit to remove a tree?
If you are the homeowner that is residing in the home, you are exempt from obtaining a permit. However, please be cautious that if you have a historic or specimen tree you will need to obtain a permit and possibly Commission approval for removal. If you reside in a deed restricted community, you may need to discuss tree removal with the Home Owners Association or property management, as there could be more conditions for approval outside of the City. If you have questions or concerns about needing a permit, please contact the City to discuss the specifics of your property. Commercial properties MUST obtain a Tree Removal Permit and may be required to replace any trees approved for removal.
What activities require a permit from the City of Deltona?
Generally speaking almost anything you may wish to do could require a permit. Therefore, the City encourages our citizens, business partners, and others to call and speak with a staff member. The City wants to ensure that if you need a permit, we can provide you the guidance necessary to make application and proceed. However, if you are proposing something that does not require a permit, a quick confirmation keeps you moving on your project with no delay.
What is the after-hours phone number for the Public Works Department?
The phone number is (386)878-8950.