When will my road be resurfaced?

The City utilizes a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) listing to determine which roads are in need of resurfacing. A PCI can range from a low of zero to a high of 100.  The City focuses on roadways with a PCI of 60 or less for resurfacing.  Roadways with a low PCI are then ranked and the recommendations presented to the City Manager for concurrence.

Why is my property flooded?

Depending upon the season, the amount of rain and other conditions such as ground water levels, properties maybe holding water that in past years was not the case.  Public Works Stormwater Division works diligently to ensure that our stormwater system is functioning efficiently & effectively to minimize standing water throughout the City.

What are all these colored flags in my yard for?

These are likely “locate” flags from the various utility providers – water, sewer, reclaimed, phone, gas, fiber optic, cable, etc.  Locates are called in whenever there is proposed work within the right of way.  Proposed work can be something being done by the City or any other public utility.