Waste Pro offers “Side-Door Service” for those that can provide documentation from a physician regarding the disability or a disability registration and matching driver’s license. For information call, Waste Pro, (386) 574-0778 or City of Deltona Solid Waste Department (386)878-8723.
Month: February 2019
What do I do with branches and limbs?
Branches or limbs should be bundled or placed in the garbage bin or another container. They should be cut to 4-feet long or less, not be greater than 6-inches in diameter and neatly piled at the curb on yard waste day only. You are allowed a maximum of 16 bags or bundles of yard trash.
Will Waste Pro pick up my real/live Christmas tree?
On yard waste day as long as it is free of tinsel and other decorations.
Will Waste Pro pick up my large cardboard boxes?
Large cardboard boxes will be collected and do not have to be broken down. They are considered bulk item.
How do I get rid of large appliances or furniture?
You may put them to the curb on the same day as your garbage day.
Can I take bulk items to the curb? For example large appliances or furniture?
You may put bulk items out to the curb on the same day as your garbage day before 6:00 am.
Where can I store my Waste Pro bin?
Away from the front of any building or premise, so not on the front face of the house. The side of the house is fine.
What if a week garbage collection is not enough for my household?
You may have additional garbage cans that range from 32 to 96 gallons just make sure they have a lid, handles, and wheels.
What kinds of garbage can I put in the garbage bin?
All household garbage items. Trash items should be bagged and tied, then deposited into your trash container for collection. This will keep your bin cleaner and minimize odors
When does Waste Pro collect the garbage and bulk?
Garbage and bulk are collected once a week for all residences on designated days between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. Carts, garbage cans and bulk items should be placed at the curb no earlier than 6 p.m. the day prior to collection day and carts should be removed from the front yard the same evening, no later than 9 p.m. Place your carts and bulk items on either side of your driveway at least three feet away from mailboxes and parked cars.